Sprockets Quality Partner

Sprockets Quality Partner symbol

At Sprockets, we want to give Saint Paul youth the best after-school and summer experiences possible.

Look for our "Sprockets Quality Partner" symbol throughout our site and at program locations to find organizations that are demonstrating a commitment to quality improvement by taking part in Sprockets quality initiatives.

Parents and caregivers can also look for quality by using the Parent Guide (available in English, Spanish, Hmong, and Somali).

There's more to after-school and summer experiences than meets the eye - they play an important role in helping young people thrive.

Research shows that children and youth who take part in quality after-school or summer programs:

  • Attend school more often

  • Do better in school

  • Exhibit fewer behavior challenges

  • Increase their physical activity

  • Develop more self-confidence

  • Build leadership and teamwork skills.... all while having fun

Learn more about the benefits of quality out-of-school time programs.