Quick Guide Training Videos

Training videos FOR youth workers, BY youth workers

Afterschool program quality matters. Strong programs that are safe and supportive – where youth have a sense of belonging and are engaged in meaningful opportunities – can have lifechanging impacts on young people. Research shows that it is better for youth to do nothing at all than to participate in low-quality programs. What does quality look like? Quality is creating structured and intentional programming. It’s being committed to training and supporting youth workers and learning best practices. It’s consistently improving programs to create valuable, life-changing experiences for young people.

Sprockets provides a variety of in person and online training for youth workers across Saint Paul.  But what happens if you can't attend a training but still want to build your skills? Sprockets, Saint Paul Public Schools, Saint Paul Parks and Recreation and many other youth work partners have come together to create a library of "Quick Guides" that provide video briefs and reflective handouts that introduce a variety of topics that support strong programs.  These videos can introduce specific topics and provide reflective prompts for viewers to make meaning of the content and how it applies to their work.  These guides also provide supervisors with conversations starters to use in staff meetings or coaching sessions.

We know that 10-15 minutes does not provide a deep dive into the topics, but we hope that it provides a great starting point! 

Click the Icons below to take you to the "Quick Guide" videos and click the hyplink below for the reflection worksheets.

Getting Started

Supporting PD for Summer Staff

Quality Frameworks


    What is the YPQA Handout                           SEL PQA Reflection Sheet

Behavior Management


   Group Expectations Handout                 De-Escalation Discussion         


   The Hand Model of the Brain         3 Rs of Emotional Regulation       Self Awareness & Regulation Practices

Quality Practices

                 mandated reporter    

            Reflection Handout                              DADA Handout                           Mandated Reporting                            Building Community


          Parent Communication                           Powerful Questions                                Getting Outdoors
                                                                               Arts and Crafts Activity Questions


      CMC Roles Example                                     CMC Reflection Example                            CMC Check in Example


       Land Acknowledgements

    Pronouns Handout             Land Acknowledgements

Share Your Knowledge. Create a "Quick Guide To" Video

We know you have lots of quality practices that work for you... which means they may work for or inspire others as well.  We are looking for youth workers like you to add to our collection of Quick Guide videos. Check out the information below and contact jwiedow@ywcastpaul.org for questions and next steps!

Have a completed video or handout materials to submit?  UPLOAD HERE *if you experience difficulties uploading, let us know and we will help problem solve!


Creating "Quick Guide" Videos Handout 

"Quick Guide" Video PPT Template